Electric Vehicle Charging at Work - EmPower Solar

Electric Vehicle Charging at Work

Hitting the 1 million EV car sales mark in US has business owners thinking –

EmPower Solar has 5 solid reasons why your business should hop onto the next clean technology wave and install EV workplace charging stations!

1. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Part of Cultural DNA

Profit is often the main motivator for businesses, but it’s increasingly important for companies to also take a stand in social and environmental issues. A recent article by Forbes showed a staggering 88% of consumers demand corporate social responsibility from their favorite brands and 84% actively seek out brands that are socially responsible. Such high numbers can only mean, if your business is not into CSR, it’s going to be left behind in this fiercely competitive business world.

2. Positive Company Culture

Happy employees mean happy customers! It’s just that simple. A recent study found that happy employees were 20% more productive and another article by Forbes shows the correlation between demotivated employees and lack of sustainable work culture. With EV workplace charging, it allows your employees to “fill up their tank” guilt-free during work hours! Not only will you be incentivizing your employees to go green, you’re providing them an opportunity to save significantly. You will also actively be attracting forward-thinking and environmentally-conscious employees who would be more committed to your business and its sustainability goals.

3. Valuable Service to Clients

More and more people are buying EVs, so you’re bound to have a few clients who have EVs. Having an EV workplace charging gives you that edge over your competitors because you can offer your clients free charging while they visit your center. It becomes an incentive for your clients to pick your business because it shows you are willing to going out of the way to make their life easier. It also shows you have mutual sustainability goals and this builds brand alignment and loyalty.

4. Establish Yourself as a Trend Setter

What do Apple and Tesla have in common? They emerged as leaders because they predicted a trend and became trendsetters. Electric vehicles are the next wave of technology and this is your chance to establish your business as a trendsetter. Plug in that EV charging cable and see how fast you zoom by your competitors!

5. It Makes Sense Financially

Busting all myths here – It’s cost-efficient. The EV charging station installation is definitely an easy transition and contributes points towards LEED certification. With incentives from the NY State, almost the entire cost of your workplace charging station can be paid for. Even in states without incentives, the nominal EV charging station cost makes it a financially sound decision. There are various new applications available that can help you manage your charging stations, decide on time allocation for your employees, how much to charge (or not charge) so there’s absolutely no hassle in managing the EV workplace charging station either!

Add a solar panel system to the mix, and a solar EV workplace charging station makes it even more economical!

Click here to read CALSTART’s guide on EV workplace charging.

To find out more about Charge to Work NY initiative’s additional incentives for New York, including cost reduction for EV workplace charging equipment for employers, click here!

To show our support for EV workplace charging, EmPower Solar hosted an EV Ride and Drive event with CALSTART and Charge to Work NY on November 3rd. To find out more detail, click here!

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