US Army Veteran & Friend of EmPower Speaks on Renewables in the Military - EmPower Solar

US Army Veteran & Friend of EmPower Speaks on Renewables in the Military

One thing is for sure. The military does not adopt change fast. But when it does change, the affected industries undergo a revolution. Ships, Airplanes, digital communications; now we are watching the latest revolution unfold in the energy field. There is no better proof of a technology than for it to be “battle tested”, and then improved in response to some of the worlds harshest operating conditions.

The US Military has always used solar in remote locations, for keeping the batteries of self contained emergency systems topped off. Now we are seeing a paradigm shift, where the military is seriously pursuing solar and alternative fuel technologies to eliminate costly (and dangerous) supply chains, as was referenced in yesterday’s New York Times. I witnessed this first hand in Iraq as you can see in the above image.

Renewable energy makes sense for reducing foreign dependence and environmental reasons. It also makes sense strategically.

David Bardfield, Veteran, US Army

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